Les mots en gras sont les verbes reguliers. The words in bold are regular "re" verbs.
“RE” Verb Endings
Je = s
Nous = ons
Tu = s
Vous = ez
Il / Elle/ On = ___
Ils / Elles = ent
Ex. “Vendre” (to sell) add one of the following endings:
Je vends = I sell
Nous vendons= we sell
Tu vends = you sell
Vous vendez = you sell
Il vend = he sells, Elle vend = she sells, On vend = one sells
Ils/Elles vendent = they sell
- admettre .... to admit
- apparaître .... to appear
- apprendre .... to learn
- atteindre .... to reach
- attendre .... to wait for
- boire .... to drink
- comprendre .... to understand
- conduire .... to drive a vehicle, to conduct
- connaître .... to know
- construire .... to build
- craindre .... to fear
- croire .... to think, to believe
- décrire .... to describe
- défendre...to defend
- dépendre...to depend
- descendre .... to go down
- détruire .... to destroy
- dire .... to say, to tell
- disparaître .... to disappear
- écrire .... to write
- élire .... to elect
- entendre .... to hear
- éteindre .... to switch off
- fondre...to melt
- interrompre .... to interrupt
- joindre .... to join
- lire .... to read
- mettre .... to put/on
- naître .... to be born
- paraître .... to seem, to appear
- peindre .... to paint
- pendre...to hang
- perdre .... to lose
- permettre .... to allow
- plaire à .... to like, to be pleasing to
- prendre .... to take, to order food/drinks
- reconnaître .... to recognize
- remettre .... to put again/back
- rendre .... to give back, to return
- répondre à .... to answer
- reprendre .... to take back
- rire .... to laugh
- se mettre à .... to start, to begin
- se taire .... to be quiet
- se/battre .... to beat, to fight
- se/plaindre .... to pity, to complain
- sourire .... to smile
- suffire .... to be enough
- suivre .... to follow, to take a class
- traduire .... to translate
- transmettre .... to transmit
- vaincre .... to overcome, to defeat
- vendre .... to sell
- vivre .... to live some place
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