Sunday, 27 November 2016

BBC Ma France

Ce lien est utile pour pratiquer la prononciation! This link is useful for practicing pronunciation.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Les verbes "re" au présent!

Les mots en gras sont les verbes reguliers. The words in bold are regular "re" verbs. 

“RE” Verb Endings

Je = s
Nous = ons
Tu = s
Vous = ez
Il / Elle/ On  = ___
Ils / Elles = ent

Ex. “Vendre” (to sell) add one of the following endings:

Je vends = I sell
Nous vendons= we sell
Tu vends = you sell
Vous vendez = you sell
Il vend = he sells, Elle vend = she sells, On vend = one sells
Ils/Elles vendent = they sell

  1. admettre .... to admit
  2. apparaître .... to appear
  3. apprendre .... to learn
  4. atteindre .... to reach
  5. attendre .... to wait for
  6. boire .... to drink
  7. comprendre .... to understand
  8. conduire .... to drive a vehicle, to conduct
  9. connaître  .... to know
  10. construire .... to build
  11. craindre .... to fear
  12. croire .... to think, to believe
  13. décrire .... to describe
  14. dé defend
  15. dé depend
  16. descendre .... to go down
  17. détruire .... to destroy
  18. dire .... to say, to tell
  19. disparaître .... to disappear
  20. écrire  .... to write
  21. élire .... to elect
  22. entendre .... to hear
  23. éteindre .... to switch off
  24. melt
  25. interrompre .... to interrupt
  26. joindre .... to join
  27. lire  .... to read
  28. mettre  .... to put/on
  29. naître .... to be born
  30. paraître .... to seem, to appear
  31. peindre  .... to paint
  32. hang
  33. perdre .... to lose
  34. permettre  .... to allow
  35. plaire à .... to like, to be pleasing to
  36. prendre .... to take, to order food/drinks
  37. reconnaître .... to recognize
  38. remettre  .... to put again/back
  39. rendre .... to give back, to return
  40. répondre à .... to answer
  41. reprendre .... to take back
  42. rire .... to laugh
  43. se mettre à  .... to start, to begin
  44. se taire .... to be quiet
  45. se/battre  .... to beat, to fight
  46. se/plaindre .... to pity, to complain
  47. sourire .... to smile
  48. suffire .... to be enough
  49. suivre .... to follow, to take a class
  50. traduire .... to translate
  51. transmettre .... to transmit
  52. vaincre .... to overcome, to defeat
  53. vendre .... to sell
  54. vivre  .... to live some place

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Les mots de vocabulaire chapitre 1, 2 et 3!

Vocabulaire de ch.1 et 2. Vocabulary of chapter 1, 2 et 3. Phantom of the Opera!

Les coulisses: hallway
Se rendre compte: to realize
Mince: thin
Le sous-sol: underground
Effrayé: scared
Le discours: speech 
Maître: master
Loge: dressing room 
Déranger: to bother
Gâcher: to ruin
Émerveillé: amazed
Ému: moved
S’évanouir: to faint
Cantatrice: opera singer
Âme: soul / spirit
L’obscurité: darkness
Vide: empty
Surlendemain : Two days later
La vielle : The eve (christmas eve)
Reprise : rerun
Enquête: inquiry
L’ouvreuse: usher
M’énerver: annoyed 
Éventail: a fan

Licencier: fired 

Téléfrançais émission 5!

S’il vous plaît regarder l’émission et répondre aux questions. 
Please watch the episode and answer the questions.